Private Sector Development
Number of results stories covering this topic: 21
Strengthening the Female Youth Entrepreneurship Framework in Bangladesh
The knowledge exchange supported under the South-South Facility, was undertaken between Bangladesh: Social Development Foundation, the implementing agency of the World Bank Nuton Jibon Livelihood Project (NJLP) and India: Kerala State’s National Rural Livelihood Mission (Kudumbashree).
The objective of the exchange was to deepen the expertise…
Governance Structures for Business Environment Reforms in Afghanistan
A high-level delegation of officials from Afghanistan, comprising key members of the Private Sector Development Secretariat (PRISEC), visited Morocco on April 7-11, 2019. The knowledge exchange was intended to complement a World Bank Group advisory services project, the Afghanistan Business Enabling Environment, which supports the Islamic Republic…
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Capacity Building to Support Mobile Internet Ecosystem in Lebanon
The Government of Lebanon faced a dire environment of unemployment amidst migration of it growing, educated workforce. The Government entered into a knowledge exchange to learn from Chile’s experiences galvanizing multiple stakeholders and developing programs to support an innovation ecosystem that would lead to increased opportunities for…
Boosting the Information Technology and Information Technology-Enabled Services (IT-ITES) Sector in Nicaragua
Through this grant, Nicaraguan participants have increased their capacity and skills for designing and implementing policies to develop the IT-ITES sector, and as an ultimate objective, to implement one of the pillars of the National Development Plan. The exchange helped strengthen the collaboration between government, academia and private sector…
Africa Learns Best Practices on Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
Most African countries see industrialization as part of their path to economic growth. Many are developing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to improve economic performance, but they are experiencing implementation challenges. As a result, there is a growing demand to learn from successful strategies in SEZ development. Building on earlier exchanges…
Improving Infrastructure and Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Africa
The governments of Africa want to improve the investment climate and reduce poverty in their countries through modernization and industrialization. Learning from the Asian experience, many governments are developing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to achieve these goals. Chinese knowledge, experience, and investment have been invaluable in…
Learning to Ease “Doing Business” Regulations in Cape Verde
Despite impressive economic gains over 25 years, the government of the African island nation of Cape Verde felt that unnecessary regulation was limiting job creation and private sector growth. Seeing that Mauritius---a similar island nation with a large tourism industry---had achieved successful business environment reforms and developed a strong…
Moldova Builds Capacity to Align with EU Corporate Financial Reporting Standards
The government of Moldova has been pursuing reforms to strengthen corporate financial reporting (CFR) since the mid-1990s, but by mid 2009 the system still had shortcomings. The GOM did not have a clear understanding of key sections of the Country Action Plan (CAP) for reforming corporate financial reporting that the World Bank had helped create…
Reviving Haiti’s Garment Industry through Foreign Investment and Capacity Development
Haiti’s garment industry, responsible for 88 percent of Haitian exports,1 received a crippling blow from the January 12, 2010 earthquake. The Government of Haiti (GOH) gave a high priority to the sector, which is the country’s largest employer, and wanted to attract investment to revitalize exports and create jobs. Through the World Bank’s ongoing…
Developing Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Industrial Clusters in Africa
After learning about the success of East Asian countries in developing their economies and attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) through Special Economic Zones (SEZ), many African governments wanted to use the same strategy to improve their economic performance. However, most African countries lack the capacity to design and implement SEZs,…
Supporting National Road Infrastructure Planning in the South Caucasus
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are investing heavily in their transport sectors, which will help stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. But the planning, construction, and management challenges are substantial---especially in the construction of high-grade expressways and tunnels, and in road maintenance---so countries in the South…
Promoting Pro-Poor Innovation in Vietnam
To help to reduce poverty, the Government of Vietnam prioritized “inclusive innovation,” which involves developing programs to identify national development challenges (NDCs), and stimulating low-cost yet high quality technological solutions and products benefiting the poor. In 2010, the Government began to prepare the World Bank Vietnam…
Environmental Sustainable Cacao Production for Small-Scale IP and Afro-Decedents Farmers in Honduras
In Honduras, small cacao farmers were not equipped to enter a more competitive international market. These farmers traditionally had limited access to technical assistance, training, financial support, and other extension services. To assist these indigenous and Afro-descendant farmers with preparing their cacao products for international markets…
Djibouti South-South Development Exchange Roundtable
The Government of Djibouti recognized the need for a diversified path to economic and social growth that encompassed combatting poverty and enabling a dynamic private sector. Toward this goal it developed its long-term growth strategy, “Djibouti Vision 2035”, and engaged in a knowledge exchange with Cape Verde, Dubai, and Mauritius. The knowledge-…
Routine Maintenance of Rural Roads through the Concept of Microenterprises: Experience of Peru and Bolivia and its Applicability to Armenia
The Government of Armenia sought to develop a means of maintaining its roads system to assure sustained access of its rural communities to markets and services. In 2008, it launched the Lifeline Road Network Development Program to stimulate economic growth and contribute to poverty reduction by improving a selected network of lifeline roads. These…
Empowering the Poor in Indonesia
With assistance of the Bank and other donors, Indonesia has supported a National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM), which has helped more than 70,000 villages prioritize needs and access community grants for development projects. The PNPM has been highly successful in supporting community infrastructure projects, such as building roads…
Supporting Female Entrepreneurship in Ethiopia
What was the objective of the South-South exchange? : The Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) sought to learn from India how to implement and sustain a credit facility dedicated to women’s economic empowerment leveraging microfinance institutions, as part of the World Bank’s funded Women Entrepreneurship Development Project (WEDP) in Ethiopia.…
Increasing youth employment in ICTs in Jamaica
To engage youth in the global market for ICT applications, senior leaders from Jamaica’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining (MSTEM) and its partners sought to develop and launch a regional technology incubation hub providing seed capital, training, and networking opportunities to entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to market.…
Building Capacity among Nicaragua’s Small-Scale Cocoa Farmers and their Organizations to Facilitate Fair Trade
The Nicaraguan Government, aiming to promote social and rural development and poverty reduction among its indigenous populations, recognized the much-needed task of building capacity for effective marketing among the small-scale cocoa farmers and their communities at local and national levels. In order to secure better market deals, Nicaragua’s…
Strengthening Bolivia’s National Science, Technology, and Innovation System with Learning from Argentina and Uruguay
To increase its limited knowledge, skills, and implementation know-how with regards to science, technology, and innovation (STI) systems, the Government of Bolivia engaged in an exchange with the more experienced Argentina and Uruguay. The Bolivian experts learned the importance of a proper regulatory framework and sectoral collaboration that…
Improving accounting education in Moldova: Learning from the Romanian experience
Moldova recognized a need to modernize its accounting and auditing education curriculum and professional development as part of a national effort to improve corporate reporting and macro-economic stability. Moldovan accounting experts participated in an exchange with Romania from whom they learned modern curricula development and teaching…