To deliver development results through knowledge sharing, the World Bank has developed and tested a range of knowledge transfer tools. They incorporate lessons from over 100 exchanges financed by the South-South Facility and are designed to deliver maximum impact. Complemented by the support of trained knowledge exchange facilitators, these tools form the bedrock of the Facility’s integrated knowledge sharing approach.
The Art of Knowledge Exchange is a planning guide that helps practitioners design and implement results-focused knowledge exchanges. It offers guidance on how to plan for results, how to deliver an impactful knowledge exchange and for measuring development outcomes.
The handbook Becoming A Knowledge Sharing Organization offers a methodology for the development of a knowledge-sharing culture within an organization. It shows how to build the enabling environment and to develop the technical skills needed to capture, package and share knowledge gained from operational experiences. Knowledge-providing institutions involved in programmatic knowledge exchanges can benefit from this type of support to strengthen their knowledge-sharing capacity.
These tools as well as a self-paced e-learning course, and a Guide for Designing and Implementing Study Tours are made publicly available in several languages and can be downloaded from this website.