From transport to health, food to construction and textiles, plastics are among the most abundant materials in our economy. Globally, the plastic industry is valued at USD 600 billion and provides employment to millions of people worldwide. But plastic pollution has become a crisis of monumental proportions, with 8 million tons ending up in oceans annually. Around the world, different regions face unique challenges ranging from community awareness to waste and recycling capacity, to weak stakeholder engagement.
Cabo Verde
Despite impressive economic gains over 25 years, the government of the African island nation of Cape Verde felt that unnecessary regulation was limiting job creation and private sector growth. Seeing that Mauritius---a similar island nation with a large tourism industry---had achieved successful business environment reforms and developed a strong manufacturing sector, the Government of Cape Verde asked the World Bank to broker a knowledge exchange between the countries as part of an ongoing Growth and Competitiveness project in Cape Verde.
The Government of Djibouti recognized the need for a diversified path to economic and social growth that encompassed combatting poverty and enabling a dynamic private sector. Toward this goal it developed its long-term growth strategy, “Djibouti Vision 2035”, and engaged in a knowledge exchange with Cape Verde, Dubai, and Mauritius. The knowledge-providing countries shared how specific strategies in significant yet under-exploited sectors could help contribute to overall economic and social development.
In an effort to support economic growth on the islands, the government of Cabo Verde sought to upgrade road infrastructure but only had experience with two-year road rehabilitation and maintenance performance-based contracts (PBCs)—not longer-term ones. The World Bank funded an exchange for Cabo Verdean officials to learn from Brazil’s experience with PCBs and implement best practices in road building and contract management.