There are serious constraints to guaranteeing adequate housing in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. The housing shortage problem is a result of (i) historically insufficient stock of available houses for the population - i.e. quantitative housing deficit; (ii) new demand (e.g. household formation); and (iii) inadequate condition of existing units, in terms of space, construction materials and access to public services – i.e. qualitative housing deficit.
Dominican Republic
Climate Action Peer Exchange (CAPE) is a forum for peer learning, knowledge sharing, and mutual advisory support. It brings together ministers and senior technical specialists from finance ministries across the world, as well as World Bank staff and other international experts, to discuss the fiscal challenges involved in implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) established under the 2015 Paris Agreement.
In the ongoing reforms of the education sector in Guatemala and Dominican Republic (DR), there have been challenges in achieving clarity and consensus on the role and responsibilities of school principals. Both Guatemala and DR also face challenges with capacity and technical knowledge needed to professionally develop school principals and school leaders in the face of learning crisis in the countries. Guatemala and DR are two of the lowest performers in the regional learning assessments in both primary and secondary education.
Environmental Sustainable Cacao Production for Small-Scale IP and Afro-Decedents Farmers in Honduras
In Honduras, small cacao farmers were not equipped to enter a more competitive international market. These farmers traditionally had limited access to technical assistance, training, financial support, and other extension services. To assist these indigenous and Afro-descendant farmers with preparing their cacao products for international markets, an exchange with the Dominican Republic was arranged. The Honduran farmers learned to work on organic and environmental production across the value chain and increased their capacity in marketing, commercialization, and fair trade.
The Nicaraguan Government, aiming to promote social and rural development and poverty reduction among its indigenous populations, recognized the much-needed task of building capacity for effective marketing among the small-scale cocoa farmers and their communities at local and national levels. In order to secure better market deals, Nicaragua’s small-scale cocoa farmers reached out to their counterparts in the Dominican Republic. They thereafter created a strategy to gain access to Fairtrade.