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The main objective of this grant was a knowledge exchange between the Albanian Development Fund (ADF), the Project Implementation Unit of the Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) in Albania as well as the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of the PIUTD, which is part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, and the Municipal Development Fund, the PIU of the Regional Development Projects (RDPs) in Georgia, to improve capacities regarding urban and tourism development. The knowledge exchange activities consisted of two study tours.

The Government of Tajikistan aimed to develop a more transparent, accountable, and cost-effective government through the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and turned to the World Bank’s South-South Facility for help.  India, Moldova, and Georgia were well on their way in developing their e-government systems and processes, so the Bank brokered a knowledge exchange between the three countries and Tajikistan.
The knowledge exchange used a mix of instruments, including roundtables, videoconferences, expert visits, and study tours.

Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia are investing heavily in their transport sectors, which will help stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. But the planning, construction, and management challenges are substantial---especially in the construction of high-grade expressways and tunnels, and in road maintenance---so countries in the South Caucasus region looked to the World Bank for assistance.

Following its independence in 1991, Tajikistan went through a devastating, six-year-long civil war, which left the country financially strained. Challenged by limited fiscal resources to adequately provide for major public service infrastructure resulted in lack of proper maintenance and rehabilitation nationwide.