In December 2009, Moldova began a journey of government transformation using Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Moldova’s leadership wanted to leverage ICT to increase the country’s growth, following the example of Singapore and other countries that have used ICT to become global leaders in competitiveness. Senior Moldovan officials participated in a high-level workshop with Singaporean experts, followed by a high-level round table in August 2010 with the World Bank’s President Zoellick, leading e-government experts, and the former prime minister of Estonia.
Developing forested areas offers many interrelated environmental and other socioeconomic benefits. Increased biodiversity, soil conservation, jobs, firewood, and building materials for the rural poor work together to create a virtuous cycle—the more forests, the more benefits; and the more benefits, the more forests. National plans in both the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan give priority to the development of forested areas, and link these activities to carbon sequestration and carbon-trading activities that can provide critical intermediate funding for broader forestry goals.
The government of Moldova has been pursuing reforms to strengthen corporate financial reporting (CFR) since the mid-1990s, but by mid 2009 the system still had shortcomings. The GOM did not have a clear understanding of key sections of the Country Action Plan (CAP) for reforming corporate financial reporting that the World Bank had helped create.
When Moldova decided to reform the quality of its teaching force as part of measures to address poor student learning results, it wanted to learn from other countries that have successfully dealt with a similar situation. It therefore turned to Chile and Brazil, countries among those that have shown important improvements in international assessments over the last decade.
Moldova is highly dependent on energy import, which carries risks in the form of possible disruptions in the supply of energy and negative effects on the country's account balances. Like many other republics of the former Soviet Union, Moldova has suffered from an outdated and deteriorating infrastructure. This causes inefficiencies that further drive up the already high costs for energy, with negative consequences especially for the wellbeing of society’s vulnerable groups.
To modernize its baccalaureate exams and make its outcomes assessment system of student learning more transparent and reliable, the Government of Moldova participated in a learning exchange with Romania. As a result of the exchange, Moldova significantly increased its knowledge and ability to develop a modernized and more comprehensive, robust and safe testing system.
Moldova recognized a need to modernize its accounting and auditing education curriculum and professional development as part of a national effort to improve corporate reporting and macro-economic stability. Moldovan accounting experts participated in an exchange with Romania from whom they learned modern curricula development and teaching techniques. Moldova was able to begin a reform of its university curriculum and prepare for international certifications of its programs.
Macedonia sought to develop and implement an Open Government Plan as part of its effort for government transparency, as well as to meet EU online service requirements. The exchange helped to raise awareness and understanding of the e-Government agenda among Macedonian officials and helped to establish data sets in each ministry appropriate for e-Services.