Scaling Up Digital Citizen Engagement
The World Bank Group (WBG) aims to integrate Citizen Engagement (CE) systematically into its operations, particularly emphasizing inclusion and empowerment of citizen participation.
Providing country: South Africa
Enhancing regional knowledge on effective participatory development models to address Fragility, Conflict and Violence risks in West and Central Africa
Building on previous knowledge-exchange initiatives at the World Bank, this platform aimed to: (i) consolidate operational knowledge on participatory local development and service delivery in Fragile, Conflict and Violence (FCV) contexts in the region; (ii) support the sharing of this knowledge between neighboring countries wit
Strengthening the Regional Community-Driven Development Network in Africa in Fragility, Conflict and Violence Contexts
Building upon a knowledge exchange that took place from 2017 to 2018, this knowledge exchange – with an extended scope and regional participation – had as objective to (a) deepen learning and the ties forged between Guinea and Cameroon CDD project teams, while extending the knowledge network to Burundi and across linguistic bou
Providing country: Burundi, Cameroon, Guinea, Nigeria
Receiving country: Burundi, Cameroon, Guinea, Nigeria
Sustaining and Scaling up Productive Safety Net Systems in Guinea
A delegation of senior officials from the Government of Guinea participated in learning and knowledge activities in Rwanda, focusing on productive safety net systems.
Providing country: Rwanda
Receiving country: Guinea
Participatory Local Development and Service Delivery in Francophone Africa
The Governments of Cameroon, Guinea and Senegal (“the Governments”) have been pursuing a strategy of decentralization in tackling challenges of poverty, weak institutional capacity, and fragility.
Providing country: Guinea, Cameroon
Receiving country: Guinea, Cameroon, Senegal