Climate Action Peer Exchange (CAPE) is a forum for peer learning, knowledge sharing, and mutual advisory support. It brings together ministers and senior technical specialists from finance ministries across the world, as well as World Bank staff and other international experts, to discuss the fiscal challenges involved in implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) established under the 2015 Paris Agreement.
As part of its effort to reach carbon neutrality and mitigate against climate change threats, the Government of the Maldives began to modernize its fragmented, inefficient, and carbon-based electricity generation capabilities. While the Maldives realized that better regulation and Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient technologies were needed in the island economy, it lacked the knowledge to establish an efficient regulatory framework and to promote investment in these technologies.
The World Bank’s 2006 Poverty Assessment Study outlined weaknesses in poverty reduction strategies in St. Lucia common to Caribbean countries. The St. Lucia Poverty Reduction Fund in the Ministry of Social Transformation wanted to join an ongoing Organization of American States (OAS) program1 to better learn how Chile had implemented “social guarantee”2 approaches to improve social programs. The World Bank’s South-South Facility agreed to support St. Lucia’s as well as St.
St. Lucia and many of its Caribbean neighbors face a growing problem with keeping boys out of trouble. From leaving school, turning to crime, and abusing drugs and alcohol, the risky behaviors caused by unemployment and poverty contribute to social tensions and threaten tourist industry growth, which is so vital to Caribbean island economies. Lacking experience with programs to help “at-risk” boys, the Government of St. Lucia (GOS) reached out to the World Bank, which provided a South-South Facility funded grant to support St. Lucia’s participation in two related knowledge exchanges. St.
Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have improved the lives of millions of poor households across the region by improving children’s education and health (human capital), reducing poverty, and ensuring a minimum income for the poorest households. Implementing CCT programs requires significant institutional capacity to coordinate work across social sectors, and to implement beneficiary targeting systems, management information and monitoring systems, and transparent operational and technical processes.
When Jamaica needed to reform how it built capacity for different levels of leadership in delivering education services, it turned to Malaysia. Specifically, Jamaica was interested in how to design and implement competency-based leadership development to increase the effectiveness of its education system leaders. Drawing on Malaysia’s experience, Jamaica is changing the way it trains, mentors, and holds its education leadership accountable.
To engage youth in the global market for ICT applications, senior leaders from Jamaica’s Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy, and Mining (MSTEM) and its partners sought to develop and launch a regional technology incubation hub providing seed capital, training, and networking opportunities to entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to market.