Lessons Spread to Combat Malnutrition in Central America
Chronic malnutrition, or stunting, is a serious problem in Central America. Stunting rates in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama are greater than 20 percent and the cost of malnutrition in these countries is estimated to range from 2.3 to 11.4 percent of GDP.1 A growing number of studies show that community-based growth…
Providing country: Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama
St. Lucia and the Caribbean Collaborate to Support “At-Risk” Boys
St. Lucia and many of its Caribbean neighbors face a growing problem with keeping boys out of trouble. From leaving school, turning to crime, and abusing drugs and alcohol, the risky behaviors caused by unemployment and poverty contribute to social tensions and threaten tourist industry growth, which is so vital to Caribbean island economies.
Providing country: Brazil, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama
Receiving country: St. Lucia