The Government of Bangladesh recognized a need to ensure secure and affordable housing options for its urban poor at a time of rapid urban expansion. Toward this objective, the Government moved to develop a national framework for providing housing and shelter options for the urban poor and most vulnerable. A knowledge exchange with India and the Philippines shared experiences on new financing methods as well as models for engaging communities in the process of upgrading slums and providing adequate housing options for those living in informal settlements.
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Up to 60 percent of rural households in the Kyrgyz Republic live in poverty, including 19 percent in extreme poverty. Rural households spend 74 percent of their incomes on food. At the same time, the Kyrgyz Republic had experienced some of the most severe food price shocks in Central Asia.
Development in Uganda, especially in the energy and mineral sectors, increasingly involves land acquisition and involuntary resettlement, which can lead to loss of assets and livelihoods. The Ugandan Government had developed and approved a new land policy, but inadequate guidance on processes and procedures of resettlement led to inconsistent practices and standards across the country.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) is still using hand signals at nearly all traffic intersections. To reduce pollution and manage heavy traffic, DMP and agencies related to transport needed to learn to appreciate and finish implementation of a basic traffic signal system for key intersections throughout the city.