Strengthening Social Protection in South Sudan
The Government of South Sudan sought to reduce poverty and food insecurity, which had persisted through years of social conflict.  Authorities prioritized improving social protection policies and initiatives, including programs providing Cash Transfers (CT) to vulnerable households.
Providing country: Rwanda, Ethiopia
Receiving country: South Sudan
Decentralizing Urban Local Government for Effective Service Delivery in Ghana
The Government of Ghana created a specific unit to handle its new Local Government Capacity Support (LGCS) Project. However, this unit had limited capacity and operational experience. Local government officials from Ethiopia and Ghana shared experiences on design and implementation issues.
Providing country: Ethiopia
Receiving country: Ghana
Djibouti Learns about Direct Cash Transfer Systems and Cash for Work
Djibouti was heavily dependent on food and energy imports, while about three-fourths of its population lived in extreme poverty. The government had been exploring alternative ways for alleviating poverty through social assistance programs financed by international institutions, such as the World Bank.
Providing country: Ethiopia, Benin
Receiving country: Djibouti